Thursday, September 11, 2008

AHH! Scarier than 9-11!!

Yeah yeah yeah, we all know most of Hollywood is liberal and loves to spout off about their political views. But watch this clip of Matt Damon as he compares Palin's VP ticket to a really bad Disney movie. Pretty scary and possibly true.

Also, just food for thought on only ONE WEEK of dirt on Palin:

--Anti-Women's Right to Choose
--Pro- Death Penalty
--Anti-Sex Education (Has a pregnant 17 year old daughter FYI)
--Believes in a Young Earth
--Voted for Creationism to be taught in school
--Used taxpayer money 300 times in one year (Claimed it was for a “traveling per Diem”, which she sat on her stupid hockey mom ass in her own home)
--Fired a Public Safety Commissioner who refused to fire her sisters ex-husband, a state trooper
--Son has been accused of cocaine and OxyContin abuse
--Less than 2 years of governance experience
--Was mayor of the meth capitol of Alaska.
--This meth haven has only about 9,000 people (Chula Vista has17,3556 People)


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