Monday, October 6, 2008

Cool Ass Parking Garage

I heard the Horton Plaza Mall parking garage was designed by a a rehabilitated crack head who was given the project to encourage him to stay off the rocks. Makes sense to me. Who else could build a mind fuck of a parking garage like that? One where you can see your car but not get to it. Where elevators and staircases lead to every OTHER floor and where the floor levels begin and end in the middle of the damn ramp. What's worse is the mall itself seems to be built by by this dudes meth head room mate who needed a project to make him "believe in himself" too. The pictures below show how a parking garage SHOULD be built. It was created by an architect who developed a way-finding-system for the Eureka Tower Carpark while working for Emery Studio. The distored letters on the wall can be read perfectly when standing at the right position. This project won several international design awards. (And for trivia's sake: Horton Plaza was built by famous architect Jon Jerde who also designed The Bellagio in Las Vegas and the Universal Walk of Fame. The revitalization of Horton Plaza was the catalyst for other renovations in the Downtown Area. Guess that's why our downtown looks like Disneyland in the 90's).

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