Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Camel Crush: New Crazy Cigarette

I've gotta hand it to Camel, they are always coming out with new cigs to keep us smoking and interested. I LOVE their Turkish Silvers, glad those stuck around. The No. 9's totally blow, they quit out half way through the damn thing. I'm sure the Camel promoters will be at a bar near you with this new one, The Camel Crush. It's basically a customizable cigarette that contains a small blue menthol capsule in the filter. By squeezing the filter before or while smoking the cigarette, a small blue capsule is crushed and releases chemicals into your filter, transforming a regular cigarette into a menthol one in a matter of moments. You can go light on the flavor of full force. Too be fair, these were tested in Japan first and then Camel put their own spin on it. I have one friend who loves menthols and I don't so now maybe we can split a cig? I dunno, sounds like the novelty is gonna wear off this one pretty damn quick. I've got coupons from my good friends at Camel if you want to try these!!

1 comment:

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