Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Apes of Wrath, The Luxury, Cold War Kids Casbah Show 9/22

Sarah and I rolled up to The Casbah last night around 9 PM to catch Apes of Wrath. They opened for The Luxury for Tim Pyles' Anti-Monday League night. Only thing was, they were double booked...with The Cold War Kids. Instead of combining everyone together to have a typical 3 band show they charged $7 to get into Anti-Monday then said we'd have to leave and go to the back of the line to get into CWKids who's doors were at 11 PM. WTF??? There was a pretty hearty line waiting when we got there at 9 PM and by 10 PM there were already around 100 in line for a show that had a 225 person capacity. They were forcing us to make a choice between supporting local music or seeing CWkids in a small intimate setting. NOT COOL. Especially for The Casbah, huge proprietor of local music. It's not even like I didn't want to pay twice, I was DOWN for that. But at least give the people who came early to catch Apes and The Luxury the option of staying or maybe have a separate line for us. And then,again, there's the "Why the hell did you not combine the shows, charge a bit more, and make money on all the people drinking till the headliner went on?? There was like 12 people there for the first shows! Weird. Luckily, being a Casbah rat comes with perks and the good men of The Casbah door let us back in to see CWkids before it became the cluster fuck of happy fans that it became.

Apes of Wrath
: FUCKING AMAZING. It's been awhile since I've heard new local music that has impressed me. The Apes somehow found a way to marry all the best types of punk in one sound. Pop flowed to post flowed to hardcore flowed to classic seamlessly. They had this INSANE intricate, out of NO WHERE, key/beat change that made me grab my head. Did I mention I was dancing and moving the whole time?? Awesome show, and for whats it's worth it's not just the music that's top notch, these guys are very legit friends. I can't wait for the next show!! Check out at The Beauty Bar with The Death Set and The Lanterns on October 24th!!

The Luxury
: They are blowing up all over the East Coast and I'm bummed their Casbah show had about 15 people at it due to the whole show double booking fiasco. I heard they chose playing that night over doing a high paying black tie gig. But I gotta admit, I wasn't that into it. Sounded like refined Cock Rock.

Cold War Kids
: DAmN. We were like 3 people from the Casbah Stage to see a band I really really love, that's pretty speical. Im into the first album especially, it sounds like nothing else, and how hard is THAT these days? Super Hard. It's soulful minimalism that's done so right it sounds lush and full. The place was packed to the brim and the dancing was going off. At least in the area around me and Sarah. We were both three double cocktails down at this point and just let LOOSE. I haven't danced like that in awhile (ok since Street Scene) and you have to with CWK. Their lead singer( totally looks like Woody Harrelson haha), commands your attention with soulful shouting and he's got this drummer that's just insane, they've got great beats under very well mastered guitar and base lines. They only played three songs from the old album (Hospital Beds, Old St. John, Hang Me out to Dry), the same ones they played two days ago at Street Scene, come on, give a couple more gifts to your fans in the way of visiting the old album a bit more. BUT I did find a few new ones I really liked and that's what CD Release Parties should be about, the new album, the new direction, if there is one. I'm stoked I got the special opportunity to see a new local band Im instantly in love with and check out a growing national band I love in an intimate space. Damn Good Casbah Night, classic, tequila laden, cigarette smoked filled, rock and roll fucking night.

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