Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Brilliant Palindrome!

So a palindrome reads the same backwards as forward.

This video reads the exact opposite backwards as forward.

Not only does it read the opposite, the meaning is the exact opposite.

This is only a 1 minute, 44 second video and it could be considered pretty damn brilliant.

Make sure you read as well as listen...forward and backward.

This is a video that was submitted in a contest by a 20-year old.

The contest was titled "u @ 50" by AARP. This video won second place.

Word has it when they showed it, everyone in the room was awe-struck and broke into spontaneous applause.

Take a minute and watch it. BUt you gotta wonder, what did the dude who won FIRST place do!!?!?


Cali's Twilight Zone Behavior

A-ok in frickin' IOWA, noooot ok in California.


NIXED in god damn TEXAS, a-ok in California.

Sometimes I just don't get it California....

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Man CAN Fly

I've posted about this type of thing, the squirrel flying suits and the courageous people that jump from cliffs to use them. I'm both terrified and in awe. Jealous and squeamish at it all. I don't think I'd ever have the courage to jump from a mountain yet I crave flight...what's a girl afraid of heights to do??

Check out this great MSN Video: Adventurer finds ultimate base jump

Those Dryer Sheets Will Be the Death of You

Are the Dangers Of Dryer Sheets Causing You and Your Family Serious Health Problems?
Source: Annie B. Bond, author of Better Basics for the Home (Three Rivers Press, 1999).
You know if you are one of those sensitive to dryer sheets and fabric softeners. (I think this is the No. 2 consumer complaint behind perfume.) You are sad that you don't like to walk in your neighborhood on Saturday mornings because of the offense smell wafting from neighbors' dryer vents. If someone uses them in your home you may have a nightmare of burning skin, respiratory irritation, anxiety attacks and irritability. I have one friend who became so sensitive to the fumes that he had to sleep in a chair until he could get new bedding! What is the problem with these laundry products? Plenty.
SIMPLE SOLUTION: How I would love to have full disclosure of ingredients in consumer products. Given how many people complain about getting sick from dryer sheets and liquid fabric softener, it is disturbing that there is so little research available for the general public about the ingredients in the products. Dry sheets and fabric softeners actually waterproof your clothes to make them feel softer!
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and industry-generated Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) from the 1990s, the following is a list of chemicals in fabric softener products, most in untested combinations. Liquid fabric softeners additionally may contain formaldehyde.

* Benzyl acetate: Linked to pancreatic cancer.
* Benzyl Alcohol: Upper respiratory tract irritant.
* Ethanol: On the EPA's Hazardous Waste list and can cause central nervous system disorders.
* Limonene: Known carcinogen.
* A-Terpineol: Can cause respiratory problems, including fatal edema, and central nervous system damage.
* Ethyl Acetate: A narcotic on the EPA's Hazardous Waste list.
* Camphor: Causes central nervous system disorders.
* Chloroform: Neurotoxic, anesthetic and carcinogenic.
* Linalool: A narcotic that causes central nervous system disorders.
* Pentane: A chemical known to be harmful if inhaled.

To hide the chemical smell, companies load dryer sheets full of chemical fragrances, which are potentially carcinogenic.
Dryer sheets are designed to stay on clothing for a long period of time and slowly release their chemicals throughout the day, which leads to prolonged exposure to toxic chemicals.
The toxins in dryer sheets and their chemical fragrances enter the body both through inhalation or are absorbed through the skin.
Some of the symptoms experienced from prolonged exposure to the chemicals in dryer sheets include headaches, nausea, vomiting , dizziness, central nervous system disorders, blood pressure reduction, fatigue, difficulty breathing, skin irritation, difficulty concentrating and remembering, cancer, irritation to skin, mucus membranes and respiratory tract, and liver damage.
Alternatives point to successfully substituting vinegar in the rinse water of the laundry cycle. We've received quite a few comments from our readers finding this approach works well. There are also a number of alternative products on the market.
Fabric softeners are static cling busters, mostly. One easy way to avoid using them is to use natural fibers

Monday, June 28, 2010

Anti-Gym Ads, soooo motivating!

Also soul crushing to overweight women everywhere. Is it wrong that I was wondering what type of pie that lady in the video was eating?? lol, what a weird ass gym. Word has it that the owner of the gym is a maniacal sadist (surprise) who throws cupcakes at people who aren't working out hard enough. I think I'll stick with 24 Hour thank you...

Friday, June 25, 2010

You Are Still Missed MJ

I can't believe a year has passed since the international tragedy that was Michael Jacksons death. Watch old videos, ThisIsIt or listen to your favorite MJ song today in remembrance. Worst that can happen is you smile and dance right?? Sigh....

Fun Things To Do This Weekend!

For The Happy Wastoid: The International Beer Festival at SD County State Fair

For The Inner Stoner: The OB Street Fair and Chili Cook Off

For The Hidden Bro: Fire House American Eatery in PB (Help the designer of Gaslamps newest hot spot, Analog, down over 500 Old English Tall Cans for an art installation, they are FREE!)
Friday at 3 PM!

For The Pretentious Do-Gooder: The Green Jazz Festival

For The Ex-Pat To Be: World Cup Games All Weekend!! (USA vs. Ghana on Saturday!)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ligers DO Exist

And not just in Napoleon Dynamite. Check out ligers on Wikipedia. I wasn't Googling around for ligers though, I reading Slate Blog's story on a guy who made liger burgers. No lie. Read below!

Maker of Lion Burger Has Spotted Past

The Chicago butcher who processed the lion meat for the now-infamous lion burger sold at a Phoenix restaurant has a spotted past: In 2003, Czimer was sentenced to six months in prison for selling meat from leopards and tigers, two big cats that enjoy federally protected status. Selling and eating lion meat is "uncommon but not illegal," according to a U.S. Department of Agriculture spokesman. However, Czimer has shown he is willing to fudge his great-cat distinctions with his product. "Czimer admitted to purchasing the carcasses of 16 tigers, four lions, two mountain lions and one liger—a tiger-lion hybrid, which actually exists—which were skinned, butchered and sold as 'lion meat,' for a profit of more than $38,000," CNN reports. Czimer's butcher shop sells protein from all kinds of exotic animals, from the more mundane ducks and buffalos to "llama leg roasts" and "camel cutlets."

Read original story in CNN | Thursday, June 24, 2010

iPhone Geeks Have Already Been Up for Hours

The iPhone four goes on sale this morning and worshippers of the cult that has become Apple have been lined up for hours. Sales have already been brisk and busy in countries where the day started before our (Japan namely). iPhones account for 74% of smartphone sales, NUTS, cuz the service blows hard core. But the phones so damn gorgeous and knows what I'm thinking....

-Most buzzed about features:
-2 Microphones and speakers
-5 megapixel camera with a built in LED flash
-Video camera on the FRONT of the phone for video calling and self portraits
-Longer battery life and faster processor
-The worlds thinnest smart phone, has a stainless steel band and super scratch
resistant glass surface on front.
-Prices start at $199 with a 2 Year AT&T contract and $499 without one

See iPhone on Apple Website

Quirky San Diego Landmarks You Don't NEED to See But Might Want TO

I DUNNO. It might make a good date or boredom buster to hop in the car with a picnic and a disposable camera and go see a few ridiculous and a few kind of cool San Diego landmarks full of quirk. Some will give you a much needed laugh and all will provide you with great photo opps!

“Unconditional Surrender” statue, Tuna Harbor, downtown.

Supposedly inspired by Alfred Eisenstaedt’s famous 1945 photo from V-J Day in Times Square, J. Seward Johnson’s 25-foot, 6,000-pound statue of a sailor kissing a nurse in front of the Midway is actually one of three. You’ll find its siblings in New York and Sarasota, Fla. Since arriving in San Diego in 2007 it’s earned a bad rap, mostly among folk who are irate over their kids sneaking peeks up the nurse’s skirt (the view is strictly PG).

“Rancheti” statue, Ranchita.

When the housing slump hit a few years ago, Ranchita realtor Joe Rauh decided to fill his free time by building an 11-foot, 300-pound white yeti that he describes as a “cross between ‘Harry and the Hendersons’ and the Patterson Bigfoot.” Appropriately dubbed the “Rancheti,” he keeps watch over the parking lot between Ranchita Realty and the Ranchita Country Store, which now sells T-shirts and tote bags bearing the silent giant’s mug. 37554 Montezuma Valley Road.

Grape slide, Escondido.

Along with a giant chess and checkerboard, Escondido’s historic park is home to a cartoonish, purple slide shaped like a grape. Even the nearby monkey bars look like vines. Why all the grape stuff? The Escondido Grape festival takes place there every September. Be warned, the park can be on the sketchy side, so skip the picnic. Located at Grape Day Park, 321 N. Broadway; always open.

All from SignOnSanDeigo, head over to the website to read about more SD LandMarks!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Geeky Rachel on Glee is a Tattooed Vegan Girl in Real Life

Lea Michele, who plays ultra insanely talented Rachel on Fox's new hit show Glee isn't the nerdy, pure choir dork she plays on the show. Turns out this 23 year old actress has NINE tattooes and is a vegan! She's also been on Broadway since 1995. Rightfully, most of the tattoos are theatre or acting THAT'S kind of geeky. And come to think of it...veganism is kind of geeky too...

Other Glee Insider Knowledge:
Lea Michelle and Dianna Agron (Who plays preggers cheerleader biotch Quinn Fabray) are both Jewish and used to be roommates!

MORE Glee Insider Knowledge:
Jenna Ushkowitz (Who plays Tina Cohen-Chang, Asian goth songtress on Glee) and Lea Michele have known each other since they were 8 and starred on Broadway's "Spring Awakening" together.

Japanese Population will be 75% smaller by 2025

Apparently NO ONE is having babies in Japan. Right night the "mood du jour" is to be isolated. It's popular to spend time alone, dating isn't the norm. That's why Real Dolls and products for having single sex (with yourself) at home are very popular. People in Japan work long hours and a friend of mine who has lived in Japan for two years said that people rarely fraternize or date outside of the friends groups they make in grade school. The article below is about a new little baby robot that is trying to evoke emotions from people who otherwise would not have given child raising a second thought. Americans seem to be having babies left and fucking right, maybe they should take a cue from us and start instilling abstinence only education? Seems to help the rising teen birth rate here!


Tokyo, Japan (CNN) -- Yotaro cries, giggles, and kicks when you tickle him. He sneezes and his nose runs. When he is upset, his rattle calms him down.

An average baby -- sort of -- since Yotaro is a robot. His inventors hope he will help Japan's sagging birth rate, among the lowest in the world.

"A robot can't be human but it's great if this robot triggers human emotions, so humans want to have their own baby," said Hiroki Kunimura, the project leader for the Yotaro robot.

Kunimura and his University of Tsukuba team originally built Yotaro because they wanted to create a robot that would appeal across national and cultural lines. Since a baby doesn't have any language skills yet, they chose to build a robotic infant.

The University of Tsukuba students then started showing off Yotaro at robot competitions, and were surprised by the reactions from the public and the media.

"People asked us if this baby robot was created to tackle the low birth rate in Japan," said Kunimura, who describes himself as Yotaro's "daddy."

The low birth rate wasn't the initial concept, but when Kunimura started seeing how the public touched and reacted to Yotaro, he saw the possibility of a robotic solution to a social crisis.


Saddest Story on the Face of the Planet...

...for reasons apparent and abounding...

Boyfriend, 14, hunted in stabbing of 13-year-old mother of his child

Wednesday, June 16, 2010 at 6:43 a.m.

— A 13-year-old mother was hospitalized early Wednesday after police say she was stabbed in the neck by her 14-year-old boyfriend who is also the father of her daughter. Police are still seeking the teen boy.

Police were called to the home on B Avenue near East 5th Street about 12:35 a.m. where the boy lives with his parents, National City Sgt. Greg Seward said.

The girl was stabbed in the neck with a kitchen knife. Apparently the couple had been arguing over some jealousy issues, Seward said.

The girl was taken to Rady Children’s Hospital. Police are still looking for the boy who was last seen running from the house with no shirt on, Seward said.

The girl is expected to recover. Her one-and-a-half year old daughter is with relatives.

The boy and girl, who lives with her parents, have been together for three years, the sergeant said. He will likely face criminal charges but will be treated as a juvenile due to his age, Seward added.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Another Reason to Want to Cry

"Friendly's" Grilled Cheese BurgerMelt
1500 Calories
870 Fat Calories
79g Total Fat
38g Saturated Fat
180g Cholesterol
2090mg Sodium
101g Carbs
9g Dietary Fiber
4g Sugar
54g Protein

All I can do is feel sorry for the god damn grilled cheese sandwiches. They don't deserve the artery clogging status of a Carl's Jr. burger ok?!

Amanda Bynes Retires at Ripe Age of 24

Actress, Amanda Bynes, is calling it quits at twenty-four years old. The latest news is that Bynes took to her Twitter account to submit her resignation.

She tweeted: “I don’t love acting anymore so I’ve stopped doing it,” she wrote. “I know 24 is a young age to retire but you’ve heard it here first I’ve retired.”

Amanda Bynes was first widely known for her acting roles on Nickelodeon's comedy "All That" and then followed up with her own show on the network, "The Amanda Show."

Bynes has one last movie coming out September 17 which is a comedy named "Easy A," co-starring Emma Stone.

NOTE: I love me some Amanda Bynes, she has hilarious facial expressions and great comedic time. I gotta say, I'm bummed. I thought her Emma Stone, and Amanda Ferris could rebuild the comedy hey day of women (no, Tina Fey does not count. But Kristen Wiig does...)



Monday, June 21, 2010

Obama's Accidental Penis

It appears as if a Barack Obama signature is hiding a schlong...But this isn't even the most funny Accidental Penis, check out this HILARIOUS WEBSITE and see below for more surprise Johnson's


Prince Harry is quickly becoming "The Hotter Prince"

For as long as I've known us American Girls have swooned and giggled over gorgeous Brit Prince William, I'm convinced it's why any douche with an accent can make us blush. But as of late (upon seeing the cover of the People Magazine where Prince Williams upcoming marriage was announced) it seems that his looks are closing in closer to his father's: NOOOO!!! He was supposed to be gorgeous like Diana forever! Prince Harry, always the awkward creepy ginger next to hot brother is actually looking quite sexy lately, hmmmm, he ain't married yet ladies!

Street Muscians Worth Mentioning

I heard this band at the OB Farmer's Market busking (the indie term for street performing). It was a two peice band and really good, just a drum guitar and great vocals. Like a cross between The Muslims (now The Soft Pack) and Bright Eyes? I dunno I only heard one song before I was dragged by a hungry friend...

Check em out on their website!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Journey Tribute at The Del Mar Racetrack

What:Dont Stop Believin Journey Tribute

Where: Del Mar Race Tracks
2260 Jimmy Durante Boulevard
Del Mar, CA 92014-2216 - Map it
When: Saturday, June 26, 2010
Starts At: 9:00 PM
Ends At: 11:55 PM
Admission Cost : $0

Event Description:
In 2009, a group of professional musicians from Los Angeles joined together to pay tribute to the great American band, Journey. They call themselves Don't Stop Believin' in honor of Journey's best-selling song.

As faithful fans of Journey’s music, DSB is committed to staying true to Journey’s legacy, while bringing a fresh pulse to the heart of their songs. Since its inception, DSB fills venues to capacity with crowds singing and cheering the great hits of this chart-topping band

This show is free with Fair admission; no reserved seating.

Waxy Good Time

San Diego Waxing Salon favorite, Undercarriage, is having their 4th Anniversary Party at The Imperial House June 18th to celebrate 4 years of making our privates look good. Live Music and cocktails will be served and you gentlemen will have the knowledge that almost every women there keeps a well groomed nani!

Fried Food at the Fair, New to the Old

Del Mar Fairgrounds

2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. San Diego, CA 92130

UNTIL July 5, 2010
Starts At: 11:00 AM
Ends At: 11:00 PM
Admission Cost : $13.00


Get info on the concerts, fireworks schedule, expos and more!

From Sign on San Diego:


Nouveau nibbles this year are essentially getting the same old fair treatment. You know: dipped in batter, dragged through roiling oil and, as often as not, skewered on a stick.

• Doing the deep-fried backstroke for the first time this year are Pop Tarts, Klondike Bars and butter (in batter-coated sweet and savory renditions). Other foods with a “fry” component include Buffalo Chicken Fry Bread, Sweet Potato Fry Dog and Hash Brown Fry Dog (a frank dipped in batter, rolled in hash browns, then submerged in oil).

• This year’s blockbuster is a 4-pound “belly buster” burger decked out with 10 slices of cheese, half a head of lettuce, 8 slices of tomato and nearly a cup of burger sauce on a specially baked, 11-inch sesame seed bun. If this repast seems too modest, the fatty patty can be paired with a large drink and Colossal Curly Fry cone for $25.

• If you have room, before you leave the Midway and shamble over to the Fun Zone to ride a roller coaster, sate your sweet tooth with the new camel milk chocolate bar, Dreamsicle Float, Ice Cream S’more or, for those who like sweet/salty sensations, chocolate dipped pickles.


If the new doesn’t appeal, there are plenty of veterans to choose from. Like bad habits, many of our guilty pleasures from last year are being reprised for this season’s fair in all their artery-choking glory.

• Smitten with last year’s chocolate-covered bacon? Fear not. The Mexican Funnel Cake stand is bringing back its cacao-coated pork fat treat.

• Chicken Charlie’s will fire up its fryers for a return of its finger-lickin’ frog legs and crispy-on-the-outside-ooey-gooey-on-the-inside Oreos and S’mores. While not bathed in hot oil, last year’s novel Krispy Kreme Chicken Sandwich is on the menu again, too.

• Juicy’s Outlaw Grill in the infield will again whomp up Bar-B-Que Spaghetti, a tangled pile of chopped brisket in sweet-and-tangy barbecue sauce poured over pasta, then heated in a smoker.

• The Big T, a pounded pork cutlet — breaded and fried, natch — can be hefted once more at The Burger Joint just off the Midway.

• Also from The Burger Joint: Colossal Curly Fries, that gorgeous 1 1⁄2-pound cone of piping-hot, spiral-cut spuds, and Slider Shots, a trio of bite-size cheeseburgers with dipping sauces.

Read More about the The Fair Food and Beer HERE

Hat Day In The Sun

The Village Hat Shop is partnering with San Diego Hat Company and The Headwear Association (THA) to kick off THA's annual “Hat Day in the Sun” campaign.

This means that we will be giving away 300+ sun protective hats. That's right-- we're giving away FREE HATS! (while supplies last)

Why you ask? To generate public awareness of how wide-brimmed hats can protect against sun damage, skin cancer and premature aging... and because we care.

So come on down Friday, boogie on down with some free entertainment and help us ring in summer with a free hat.
Oh! And don't forget to bring your ticket from the parking lot in with you so we can validate it for 2 hours of FREE parking. It's a win-win-win event... Don't miss it!

Friday, 18 June 2010
13:00 - 15:00
The Village Hat Shop - Seaport Village
853 W. Harbor Drive, Suite B
San Diego, CA

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Starbucks Is Getting FREE Wireless Internet

Their coffee was already $6 a cup, WHY charge for internet when the mom and pop place by my house doesn't charge for internet OR require I sign away my first born child for a caramel macchiato.....

From CNN:

Starting July 1, Starbucks will offer free Wi-Fi nationwide, with no registration or account required. Even better, Wi-Fi will not be time limited.

Starbucks joins an increasing list of brands and chains to offer free Wi-Fi in its stores. For example, last December, McDonald's rolled out free Wi-Fi to nearly all of its restaurants across the country. Panera Bread also offers a similar program.

McDonald's and Starbucks both have partnerships with AT&T, which, while often criticized for the quality of its wireless data network, is one of the largest Wi-Fi hotspot providers in the United States.

Starbucks was one of the first chains to offer Wi-Fi access to its patrons, first via an agreement with T-Mobile and then with AT&T. Starbucks visitors have been able to enjoy up to two hours of free Wi-Fi from their favorite coffee house, provided they are either an AT&T customer or they use a Starbucks Card to login.

The new program will do away with any sort of registration, which will make those of us who always forget either our AT&T account information or can't find our Starbucks cards extremely happy.

Read the Rest on CNN

Japanese Hipsters: You Win

USA hipsters ALL wear the same exact clothes, it's completely unoriginal carbon copy corporate crap, if you met a few, their personalities are generally the same as they way they dress. No two Japanese hipsters are alike. Japan get it, for some reason even though the word HIP is in hipsters US indie kids dont look anywhere near hip/eccentric. Take it away Japan!!



OB Farmer's Market Tonight!

Every Wednesday 4-8pm in summer (4-7pm in winter), on the 4900 block of Newport Ave. between Cable and Bacon Streets in Ocean Beach.

It's wonderful for people watching, hearing street performers, getting fresh fruits and veggies, getting a cheap kick ass dinner, getting flowers for the house, buying gifts for friends and just general out in the sun fun! Check it out, its magical in summer as the sun sets.

Stick around for Lady Dottie and the Diamonds who play around 9 pm at Gallagher's!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Craigslist Missed Connection: A Match Made in Prison

3rd and Market Black Girl in Zebra Pants - m4w - 21 (Downtown)

Date: 2010-06-14, 12:57PM PDT

I was being taken away in the back of a police car. I was handcuffed. Our eyes met and you screamed "BLACK POWER!". Hit me up.

  • Location: Downtown
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 1791775021

(See Original Post Here on Craigslist)

The Color Test

These are the things we're supposed to do to remove the cholesterol around our brain and try to slow up Alzheimer's Disease.. It took me 3 times before I could finally tell this brain of mine to concentrate. A great test, do it until you get 100%!

Bet you can't get 100% on the first try! But I'm rootin' for ya.

This is pretty neat! See how you do with the colors! Have fun!

It takes an average of 5 tries to get to 100%. Follow the directions!

It's harder than it seems, as it should be!

A brain waker-upper for today!


New Christina Aguilera Album Set to Bomb Due to Collabs

From Stereogum:

Christina Aguilera’s forthcoming comeback album Bionic will feature some cred-boosting guests like M.I.A., Ladytron, Santigold and Le Tigre, who appear on “I Hate Boys.” This song is loads better than the first sample from Bionic, “Not Myself Tonight,” (the Lady Gaga-esque video didn’t help), it’s sort of strange to hear adult women singing “I hate boys/But boys love me/I think they suck/and my friends agree.” Le Tigre’s Johanna Fateman wrote about working with Aguilera on the Le Tigre website:

… While the giant sound of her stacked vocals and the pop sheen she lends to the tracks might seem at odds with Le Tigre’s aesthetic roots, it really works. The songs have a lot of elements we’re known for, like a garage guitar sound, schoolyard chants, new wave-y synths, electro beats, and somehow it all sounds crazily right with Christina’s unbelievable voice.


Monday, June 14, 2010

Did you know Gavin Rossdale Has a 21 year old daughter?

Don't worry, Gwen Stefani knows about Daisy Lowe, the baby girl Gavin had with past girlfriend Pearl Lowe, singer/songwriter turned fashion designer (he certainly has a type). Daisy is a super popular 5'10 international model who once dated Mark Ronson, older brother of Samantha Ronson, Lindsay Lohan's ex-girlfriend. Supposeldy when a paternity test confirmed Rossdale was Daisy's father in 2004 it made Gweni Gwen Gwen furious. Guess things have healed up because as you can see by the picture below, big half sis Daisy Lowe is taking adorable little Kingston out for a walk!

Odd Useless Factoid:

Samantha Ronson is a twin with fashion designer Charlotte Ronson! Oh lord, As if we needed two of these....

World Cup Sausage Fest

I've only been watching the World Cup because it combines a few of my greatest loves: Hot Men, Foreign Men and heavy breathing and sweating. I'm not the only one who's favorite combo includes these soccer playing god's. Local North Park sausage/beer folks at The Linkery are having a sausage extravaganza that coincides with the world cup. Check it out below!

Casing the Joint

weblog from The Linkery
World Cup of Football and Snags
Posted by Jay on Sunday, 6 June 2010

IT’S HERE. The biggest sporting event in the world, the biggest community celebration happening in communities across the globe. Ours will be one of them.

Here’s our schedule for the World Cup this summer. Remember we’ll be hosting the World Cup of Sausages as well, pitting sausage dishes from each of the participating countries against each other in a battle for world sausage supremacy. So you’ll be able to come watch your favorite side play football, and eat a sausage dish from that country as well.

In addition to the sausage specials, a few other items from the menu will be available in the mornings, and probably the whole lunch menu for lunch on the weekdays. Since you’re going to be drinking beer at 6:30am, we’ll feed you something substantial with it.

We will turn the sound on for the games.

Friday 11 June - Open at 6:55am
7:00am - South Africa v. Mexico (boerewors v. longaniza)
11:30am - Uruguay v. France (grass-fed beef chorizo v. boudin blanc)

Saturday 12 June - Open at 6:55am
7am - Argentina v. Nigeria (Argentina-style chorizo v. Nigerian sausage rolls)
11:30am - England v. USA (banger v. American farmhouse)
not showing Korea-Greece

Sunday 13 June - Open at 11:00am
11:30am - Germany v. Australia (bratwurst v. kransky — Michael says just wait for the kransky, it’ll knock your boots off)
not showing Algeria-Slovenia or Serbia-Ghana

Monday 14 June - Open at 11:25am
11:30am - Italy v. Paraguay
not showing Netherlands-Denmark or Japan-Cameroon

Tuesday 15 June - Open at 11:25am
11:30am - Brazil v. North Korea
not showing New Zealand-Slovakia or Ivory Coast-Portugal

(Get the Entire Schedule HERE)

Jury is still out on if toys=happiness

There were a few movies as a kid that created worlds where a kid was given endless amounts of money to do whatever he/she wanted. It was a world us ordinary kids could never imagine so these movies were some of the most fun to watch you know? Richie Rich? Blank Check? Even Billy Madison for the older peeps. They'd have like, Pizza Hut stores in their mansion and huge water slides and crazy games and devices strictly for fun? Oh and some weary butler always. I just hated how in the end their huge mansion of toys and dreams eventually wasn't enough to fill a huge friend or family sized hole in their heart. As a kid I always thought, just give ME a shot, I think I could get over it....

Friday, June 11, 2010

It's the 2010 SD County Fair Opening Day!

Del Mar Fairgrounds
2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd. San Diego, CA 92130

Friday, June 11, 2010
Starts At: 11:00 AM
Ends At: 11:00 PM
Admission Cost : $13.00

COUNTY FAIR WEBSITE: Get info on the concerts, fireworks schedule, expos and more!

The San Diego County Fair is the fifth largest fair in the nation and is the largest annual event in San Diego. It seems like it was just yesterday that we were eating Deep Fried Twinkies, flipping around and screaming on our favorite rides, trying our winning luck in carnival games, reveling in Three O’Clock Friday fun, and admiring seaside fireworks with thousands of our closest friends during the 2009 San Diego County Fair. While last year’s fond fair memories are still as vibrant as ever, I have some great news: We are now entering the official countdown period for the 2010 San Diego County Fair – Taste the Fun! Save the Date: San Diego County Fair Opening Day is Friday, June 11th! From the food to the rides, games, exhibits and concerts, we can't wait for the summer party to begin! The 2010 San Diego County Fair is back at the Del Mar Fairgrounds Friday, June 11 – Monday, July 5.

Insider Tip: With the Best Pass Ever, you can visit all 22 days of the 2010 San Diego County Fair for just $22.00. That's one dollar per day! Get yours now at

US vs. England World Cup Soccer/Football Game

United States vs. England World Cup Match
Sunday Jun 12 11:30am (PT) on ABC

Up until Monday I was dating a British man who said this game was a big ass deal (I'm still dating a Welshman who concurs). English pubs all over San Diego (I only know of Princess Pub and Shakespeare's) are going to be packed with soccer fans rooting for their team. Word is, in the UK, people decorate their houses and walk in droves to their local pubs for World Cups games. You think the Super Bowl gets nuts? Think on a larger scale for this, it has a way more rabid and huge fan base all over the world. Aaaa life in the American Bubble....

Free Quality Stand Up

I've been doing stand up comedy for only a month now but what I've learned is: good stand up is hard to find. Belows show is not great but FREE! Check it Out:

The Laughing Stock Group's Audience Appreciation Month continues on Sunday, June 13 with Shang!!

In honor of San Diego supporting our brand of live comedy the last 2 years we are giving you 4 free shows with some of the hottest comedians in the country on Sundays this month culminating with our 2 year anniversary show on Sunday, June 27th. So come out, share a laugh, bring friends, and have fun!

RSVP required at:

NOTE: Only 125 RSVP available for the show, so get on the list early and please don't be late.
Stand Up Sundays is San Diego's only urban comedy show.

We showcase a hilarious and unbelievable mix of veteran comedians to the hottest up and coming comedians from the world of entertainment, television, and film. You've seen them on Def Comedy Jam, Comic View, 1st Amendment Stand Up, The David Letterman Show, Late Night with Conan O'Brian, Comedy Central, HBO, & Showtime. Coupled with our amazing audience, the laughter is non-stop!

Hosted by Aida Rodriguez, star and writer of the Image Studios film "The Greatest Song"

Diplo at HOB Tonite!

Diplo is one of the hottest electronic music makers today. Collaborating with the likes of Tiesto and MIA (whom he was romantically linked to) he is sure to set the House of Blues ablaze tonight for an all ages concert!!

This just in...Diplo is confirmed to play a private 21+ set in the POP Lounge!!! It's 300 capacity and preference will be given to the 1st 300 21+ through the door before 11pm. Catch Diplo's 1st in the main room (10:30-11:30) and get stamped for priority access to his private 21+ set 12:45-1:45!!! It's going to epic, don't miss it!!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

BP The MotherFuckin King Of Saftey Violations

Jon Stewart, back from hiatus of The Daily Show, returned in all his glory to pick up the slack on the recent BP oil spill tragedy. Like always he told me something I didn't know. Mostly the BP is the most fucked up oil company. In the world....

Willful Oil Violations

Sunoco= 8

Conocco- Phillips= 8

Citgo= 2

Exxon= 1

BP= 706!!!

Check Out the story below:
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Cenac - The Spilling Fields - Oil Leak Containment Ideas
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

The Stage in Downtown SD Offering Cheap Eats!

While they scramble to get their liquor license reinstated, The Stage in San Diego's Gaslamp is offering $5 Entrees!! It's right next door to The Tipsy Crow (formerly The Bitter End) so go get boozy there and then head next door for cheap eats and local music/DJ's!

The Stage Website